Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Composite Risk Roles

Composite Risk Roles 

Define the roles and responsibilities for all human resources (both internal and external to the project) involved with the identification, mitigation and review of risks within the project. For instance follows:

 1- Risk Originator

The Risk Originator identifies the risk and formally communicates the risk to the Project Manager. The Originator of the Risk is responsible for:
              risk Identifying within the project
              risk Documenting (by completing a Risk Form)
              Submitting the Risk Form to the Project Manager for review.

2 - Project Manager

The Project Manager receives each Risk Form and records and monitors the progress of all risks within the project. The Manager of the Project is responsible for:
              Risk Forms Receiving and identifying whether the risk is convenient to the project
              Recording all risks in the Risk Register form
              Present all the risks to the Project Review Group
              Communicating decisions that made by the Project Review Group
              Monitoring all risk mitigating actions assigned progress

3 - Project Review Group

The Project Review Group confirm the Risk ‘likelihood’ and ‘impact’ and assign risk mitigating actions where convenient. The Project Review Group is responsible for:

              The regular review of all recorded risks in the Risk Register
              Identifying change requests which required mitigating risks raised
              Allocating the risk mitigating actions
              Finishing risks which are no longer likely to impact on the project.

4 - Project Team

The Project Team assigns all risk mitigating actions delegated by the Project Review Group.

Risk Documents 
Mainly should List any other documentation used to identify, track and control risks to the project.

1- Risk Register

The ‘Risk Register’ is the log / database where all risks are registered and tracked through to closure so Insert a template for the Risk Register here to show how risks will be recorded and monitored on this project. 

2 - Risk Form

The ‘Risk Form’ is used to identify and describe a risk to the project so that Insert a template for the Risk Form here to show how risks will be defined on this project


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